Assalamualaikum wahai blogger :) aha well thi whole week was so packed! with alots of homeworks and koko's activity (merentas desa) ahahaha bestbest!well THAT DAAY the merentas desa day was was was suck ahaks, I'm okay la hish ahaha chillexx bro chill well i'm just need an advice about A MAN ya thts rite tht man --'
Well that day i was di advice kan oleh Acap, JUNIOR :) BEST JUNIOR ahaa. then i asked him why ali did that why ali did this la semuakan, then suddenly he looked at my face and asked me " Cuba kau fikir asal kau suka dia? then i was like aku suka dia sbb i can't answer tht question like seriously why i like him? whywhy? okay then but ya then acap asked me like this " senang kau buat bodoh kau sabar n kau takyah ikutkan hati tkyh layan hati kau buat masa sekarang" i think yeah thts true. Pahal kau nk pikirkan dia everytime everysecond kan? TAK DAPAT APA FAEDAH. so now kau diam buat bodoh then once dia sedar apa dia buat dia akan jumpa kau senang cerita Allah akn tunjukkan kan segalanya one day :) ONE DAY ALIA ONE DAY ! so yeah chill out la, kau tkyah pandang dia, kau tkyh notice dia, kalau jumpa dia kau buat tak kenal sudah. biar dia rase apa yg aku rase kan. Sedih memang la ade, but what can i do? kan Chill k assalamualaikm